Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Masih percaya Allah mendengar, Allah menyayangi, Allah melindungi
Masih yakin ada secercah harapan dibalik gelap
Masih tetap tersenyum diatas sesak
Masih bisa...


Bangun Rini. Jangan terus-menerus menjadi manusia naif. Sulit memang membedakan keep on dreaming, be optimist, dengan naive.

Sadarlah, lihatlah, telitilah pada setiap kejadian, perkataan, apa-apa yang menunjukkan iya ataupun tidak. Kestabilan untuk tetap tegar, tapi rapuh. ringkih. maka bangunlah. pahami bahwa kenaifanmu hanya menggores luka yang semakin dalam.

Friday, February 05, 2010

again, and again, and again: I Miss You

It's been so long since we spent our time together
I miss your stories and our cheries
I miss the time you laugh at my stupidity
I miss the way you explain everything to me

You've opened my new sights of life
You made me see everything outside my box
You brought me to reality, yet took me to fly in the dreams
You talked in no boundaries

I really miss you hun, I really want to hold your arms
and hug you tight
I really miss you...

God has lined the fate of yesterday
How about tomorrow? Do we still have a chance?
What does He want us to do?

I know He surely knows about something
That we're in love, and we're still in love
I hope it will be a great consideration for Him
To line another fate of tomorrow, about us...

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Waiting for The Known Unknown

I think I know what will be the decision. But I still can't make myself ready.

Freedom has given my heart a bond. Light but tight, unseen but felt.

Then I realize that I can't let myself go.

And you keep asking me: why?

I never get a right answer to tell you.

Should I explain that in your eyes I'd like to stay?